Peer-reviewed publications — B. Antonescu

Peer-reviewed journal articles

Submitted or in preparation 

  1. Antonescu, B., H. Ricketts, C. Dearden, D. M. Schultz, and G. Vaughan, 2020: A Climatology of Moist Absolutely Unstable Layers for Europe. Monthly Weather Review, in preparation.


Published or in press 


Brooks, H.E., C.A. Doswell III, X. Zhang, A.M. Chernokulsky, E. Tochimoto, B. Hanstrum, E. de Lima Nascimento, D.M. Sills, B. Antonescu, and B. Barrett, 2018: A Century of Progress in Severe Convective Storm Research and Forecasting. Meteorological Monographs, 59, 18.1–18.41. [AMS]



40. Antonescu, B., D. Ene, M. Boldeanu, S. Andrei, L. Mărmureanu, C. Marin, and R. Pîrloagă, 2023. Future changes in heatwaves characteristics in Romania. Theor Appl Climatol 153, 525–538.

39. Pîrloagă, R. M. Adam, B. Antonescu, S. Andrei, S. Ştefan, 2023: Ground-Based Measurements of Wind and Turbulence at Bucharest–Măgurele: First Results. Remote Sens. 2023, 15.


38. Adam, M., K. Fragkos, S. Solomos, L. Belegante, S. Andrei, C. Talianu, L. Mărmureanu, B. Antonescu, D. Ene, V. Nicolae, V. Amiridis, 2022: Methodology for Lidar Monitoring of Biomass Burning Smoke in Connection with the Land Cover. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 4734.

37. Pîrloagă, R., D. Ene, M. Boldeanu, B. Antonescu, E.J. O’Connor, and S. Ştefan, 2022: Ground-Based Measurements of Cloud Properties at the Bucharest–Măgurele Cloudnet Station: First Results. Atmosphere 2022, 13, 1445.

36. Săftoiu (Goles), G. L., S. Ștefan, B. Antonescu, G. Iorga, L. Belegante, 2022: Characteristics of stratocumulus clouds over Bucharest-Măgurele. Romanian Reports în Physics, 64, 705.


35. Pîrloagă, R., D. Ene, and B. Antonescu, 2021: Population Bias on Tornado Reports in Europe. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 11485.

34. Antonescu, B., L. Mărmureanu, J. Vasilescu, C.A. Marin, S. Andrei, M. Boldeanu, D. Ene, and A. Ţilea, 2020: A 41-years bioclimatology of thermal stress in Europe. Int. J. Climatol., 1–19. [Wiley]


33. Schultz, D. M., H. Volkert, B. Antonescu, and H. C. Davies, 2020: Defender and Expositor of the Bergen Methods of Synoptic Analysis: Significance, History, and Translation of Bergeron’s (1928) “Three-Dimensionally Combining Synoptic Analysis”, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 101(12), E2078-E2094. [AMS]

32. Andrei, S., M. D. Andrei, M. Huştiu, S. Cheval, and B. Antonescu, 2020: Tornadoes in Romania—From forecasting and warning to understanding public’s response and expectations. Atmosphere, 11, 966 [MDPI].

31. Cheval, S., A. Haliuc, B. Antonescu, A. Tișcovschi, M. Dobre, F. Tătui, A. Dumitrescu, A. Manea, G. Tudorache, A. Irimescu, M.‐V. Birsan, and C. Mock, 2020: Enriching the historical meteorological information using Romanian language newspaper reports: A database from 1880 to 1900. Int J Climatol., 41 (Suppl. 1): E548– E562. [Wiley]

30. Chernokulsky, A, M.V. Kurgansky, I. Mokhov, A. Shikhov, I. Azhigov, E. Selezneva, D. Zakharchenko, B. Antonescu, and Thilo Kühne, 2020: Tornadoes in Northern Eurasia: from the Middle Age to the Information Era. Mon. Wea. Rev., 148, 3081–3110. [AMS]

29. Mărmureanu, L., J. Vasilescu, J. Slowik, A.S.H. Prévôt, C.A. Marin, B. Antonescu, B, A. Vlachou, A. Nemuc, A. Dandocsi, S. Szidat, 2020: Online Chemical Characterization and Source Identification of Summer and Winter Aerosols in Măgurele, Romania. Atmosphere, 11, 385 [MDPI].

28. Antonescu, B., T. Púçik, and D.M. Schultz, 2020: Hindcasting the First Tornado Forecast in Europe: 25 June 1967. Wea. Forecasting, 35, 417–436 [AMS]

27. Cheval, S, D. Micu, A. Dumitrescu, A. Irimescu, M. Frighenciu, C. Iojă, N.C. Tudose, S. Davidescu, and B. Antonescu, 2020: Meteorological and Ancillary Data Resources for Climate Research in Urban Areas. Climate, 8, 37. [MDPI]


26. Andrei, S., B. Antonescu, M. Boldeanu, L. Mărmureanu, C. A. Marin, J. Vasilescu, D. Ene, 2019. An Exceptional Case of Freezing Rain in Bucharest (Romania). Atmosphere, 10, 673. [MDPI]

25. Marmureanu, L., C. Marin, S. Andrei, B. Antonescu, D. Ene, M. Boldeanu, J. Vasilescu, C. Vitelaru, O. Cadar, and E. Levei, 2019: Orange snow - A Saharan Dust Intrusion over Romania During Winter Conditions. Remote Sens., 11, 2466. [MDPI]

24. Púčik, T., C. Castellano, P. Groenemeijer, T. Kühne, A. Rädler, B. Antonescu, and E. Faust, 2019: Large hail incidence and its economical and societal impacts across Europe. Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 3901–3916. [AMS]

23. Antonescu, B., D.M. Schultz, H.M.A. Ricketts, and D. Ene, 2019: Theories on tornado and waterspout formation in ancient Greece and Rome. Weather Clim. Soc., 11, 889–900. [AMS]

22. Brâcuș, M, D.M. Schultz, B. Antonescu, C. Dearden, and S. Ștefan, 2019: Origin of strong winds in an explosive Mediterranean extratropical cyclone. Mon. Wea. Rev., 147, 3649–3671. [AMS]

21. Nicolae, V., C. Talianu, S. Andrei, B. Antonescu, D. Ene, D. Nicolae, A. Dandocsi, V.-E. Toader, S. Ștefan, T. Savu, J. Vasilescu, 2019: Multiyear typology of long-range transported aerosols over Europe. Atmosphere, 10, 482. [MDPI]

20. Marin, C.A., L. Marmureanu, C. Radu, A. Dandocsi, C. Stan, F. Toanca, L. Preda, and B. Antonescu: Wintertime variations of gaseous atmospheric constituents in Bucharest peri-urban area. Atmosphere, 10, 478. [MDPI]

19. Antonescu, B., Hugo M. A. Ricketts and D. M. Schultz, 2019: 100 Years Later: Reflecting on Alfred Wegener's Contributions to Tornado Research in Europe. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 100, 567–578 [AMS].

18. Fragkos, K., B. Antonescu, D.M. Giles, E. Ene, M. Boldeanu, G.A. Efstathiou, L. Belegante, and D. Nicolae, 2019: Assessment of the total precipitable water from a sunphotometer, microwave radiometer, and radiosondes at a continental site in southeastern Europe. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 1979–1997. [EGU]

17. Cârstea, E., K. Fragkos, N. Siomos, B. Antonescu, and L. Belegante, 2019: Columnar aerosol measurements in a continental southeastern Europe site: Climatology and trends. Theor. Appl. Climatol., 137, 3149–3159. [SPRINGER]


16. Nicolae, D., J. Vasilescu, C. Talianu, I. Binietoglou, V. Nicolae, S. Andrei, and B. Antonescu, 2018: A neural network aerosol-typing algorithm based on lidar data. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18, 14511–14537 [ACP].

15. Antonescu, B., J. G. Fairman Jr., and D. M. Schultz, 2017: What's the worst that could happen? Re-examining the 24–25 June 1967 tornado outbreak over Western Europe. Weather Clim. Soc., 10, 323–340. [AMS]

14. Antonescu, B., and F. Cărbunaru, 2017: Cloud-to-ground lightning fatalities in Romania. Weather Clim. Soc., 10, 241–252. [AMS]

13. Groenemeijer, P., T. Púčik, A. M. Holzer, B. Antonescu, K. Riemann-Campe, D. M. Schultz, T. Kühne, B. Feuerstein, H. E. Brooks, C. A. Doswell III. H.-J. Koppert, and R. Sausen, 2017: Severe convective storms in Europe: Ten years of research at the European Severe Storms Laboratory. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 98, 2641–2651. [AMS]

12. Vaughan, G., B. Antonescu, D. M. Schultz, and C. Dearden, 2017: Invigoration and capping of a convective rainband ahead of a potential vorticity anomaly. Mon. Wea. Rev., 145, 2093–2117. [AMS]

11. Antonescu, B., D. M. Schultz, A. Holzer, and P. Groenemeijer, 2017: Tornadoes in Europe: An Underestimated Threat. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 98, 713–728. [AMS]

10. Antonescu, B., D. M. Schultz, F. Lomas and T. Kühne, 2016: Tornadoes in Europe: Synthesis of the observational datasets. Mon. Wea. Rev., 144,  2445–2480. [AMS]

9. Antonescu, B. and A. Bell, 2014: Tornadoes in Romania. Mon. Wea. Rev., 143, 689–701.[AMS]

8. Vaughan, G., J. Methven, D. Anderson, B. Antonescu, L. Baker, T. P. Baker, S. P. Ballard, K. N. Bower, P. R. A. Brown, J. Chagnon, T. W. Choularton, J. Chylik, P. J. Connolly, P. A. Cook, R. J. Cotton, J. Crosier, C. Dearden, J. R. Dorsey, T. H. A. Frame, M. W. Gallagher, M. Goodliff, S. L. Gray, B. J. Harvey, P. Knippertz, H. W. Lean, D. Li, G. Lloyd, O. Martínez–Alvarado, J. Nicol, J. Norris, E. Öström, J. Owen, D. J. Parker, R. S. Plant, I. A. Renfrew, N. M. Roberts, P. Rosenberg, A. C. Rudd, D. M. Schultz, J. P. Taylor, T. Trzeciak, R. Tubbs, A. K. Vance, P. J. van Leeuwen, A. Wellpott, A. Woolley, 2014: Cloud banding and winds in intense European cyclones: Results from the DIAMET Project. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 96, 249–265. [AMS]

7. Schultz, D. M., B. Antonescu, and A. Chiariello, 2014: Searching for the elusive cold-type occluded front. Mon. Wea. Rev. 142, 2565–2570. [AMS]

6. Antonescu, B., G. Vaughan, and D. M. Schultz, 2013: A five-year radar-based climatology of tropopause folds and deep convection over Wales, United Kingdom. Mon. Wea. Rev., 141, 1693–1707. [AMS]

5. Antonescu, B., S. Burcea, and A. Tanase, 2013: Forecasting the onset of cloud-to-ground lightning using radar and upper-air data in Romania. Int. J. Climatol., 33, 1579–1584. [Wiley]

4. Burcea, S., S. Cheval, A. Dumitrescu, B. Antonescu, A. Bell, and T. Breza, 2012: Comparison between radar estimated rain gauge measured precipitation in the Moldavian Plateau. Environ. Eng. Manag. J., 4, 723–731. [EEMJ]

3. Antonescu, B., and S. Stefan, 2011: The urban effect on the cloud-to-ground lightning activity in the Bucharest area. Romanian Reports in Physics, 63, 535–542. [PDF]

2. Antonescu, B., and S. Burcea, 2010: A cloud-to-ground lightning climatology for Romania. Mon. Wea. Rev., 138, 579–591. [AMS]

1. Zoccatelli, D., M. Borga, F. Zanon, B. Antonescu, and G. Stancalie, 2010: Which rainfall spatial information for flash flood response modelling? A numerical investigation based on data from the Carpathian range, Romania. J. Hydrol., 394, 148–161. [ELSEVIER]